Next phylum in the classification of the animal kingdom is phylum Porifera. Members of phylum Porifera are commonly known as sponges. They are the simplest pore-bearing and primitive multicellular organisms. General Characteristics of Phylum Porifera: Habitat: They are aquatic generally marine (few species are found in freshwater). They are found solitary (live alone) as well […]
Author: Hemant More
Pressure Exerted by Gas
Science > Physics > Kinetic Theory of Gases > Pressure Exerted by Gas In this article, we shall study to derive an expression for pressure exerted by gas on the walls of container. We shall also derivation of different gas laws using the kinetic theory of gases. Expression for Pressure Exerted by a Gas Using […]
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Science > Physics > Kinetic Theory of Gases > Introduction to Kinetic Theory of Gases In this article, we shall study a very important concept called kinetic theory of gases, using which we can explain behaviour of the gases. Ideal Gas: A gas which obeys gas laws at all temperatures and pressures is called an […]
Escape Velocity of a Body
Science > Physics > Gravitation > Escape Velocity of a Body If the velocity of upward projection is increased, a stage will be reached when the velocity given to the body is such that, the kinetic energy of the body is sufficient to overcome the gravitational influence of the earth. This velocity is known as […]
Binding Energy of Satellite
Science > Physics > Gravitation > Binding Energy of Satellite In this article, we shall study the concept of the binding energy of satellite and its significance. The binding energy of a satellite can be defined as the minimum amount of energy required to be supplied to it in order to free the satellite from […]
Science > Physics > Gravitation > Numerical Problems on Critical Velocity and Period of Satellite Example – 18: A satellite revolves around a planet of the mean density of 104 kg/m3. If the radius of its orbit is only slightly greater than the radius of the planet, find the time of revolution of the satellite. G […]
Science > Physics > Gravitation > Numerical Problems on Critical Velocity and Period of Satellite In this article, we shall study to solve problems to calculate time period and orbital speed of satellite. Example – 01: Calculate the speed and period of revolution of a satellite orbiting at a height of 700 km above the […]

Science > Physics > Gravitation > Critical Velocity and Time Period of Satellite In this article, we shall derive expressions for the critical velocity and time period of a satellite in different forms. Critical Velocity: The constant horizontal velocity given to the satellite so as to put it into a stable circular orbit around the […]

Science > Physics > Gravitation > Satellites In this article, we shall study about satellites, their types and uses of artificial satellites Satellites: Any object that revolves around a given planet in circular orbit under the influence of planet’s gravitational force is called as a satellite. Types of Satellites: Satellites are of two types. viz […]
Numerical Problems on Keppler’s Laws

Science > Physics > Gravitation > Numerical Problems on Keppler’s Laws In this article we shall study numerical problems on Keppler’s third law of orbital motion, to calculate period of revolution of a planet around the sun. Example – 01: What would be the length of the year if the earth were at half its […]