Physical Chemistry

Calculation of Number of Moles and Molecules

Science > Chemistry > Molecule and Molecular Mass > Calculation of Number of Moles and Molecules In this article, we shall solve problems to calculate number of moles and number of molecules and atoms present in given quantity of a substance. Example 01: 3.49 g of ammonia at STP occupies 4.48 dm3. Calculate molar mass […]

Legal Maxims

Res ipsa loquitur

“Res ipsa loquitur” is a Latin phrase that means, “the thing speaks for itself” and pertains to obvious cases of negligence. Under the common law of negligence, the res ipsa loquitur doctrine indicates that a breach of a party’s duty of care may be inferred from the events that occurred. In other words, the negligence is so […]

Medical Jurisprudence

Medical Negligence

Law > Medical Jurisprudence > Law and Medicine > Medical Negligence A tort is a residuary civil wrong. Duties in tort are fixed by the law and such duties are owed in rem or to the people at large generally.  Such wrongs can be remedied by filing for unliquidated damages. Negligence is a tort. A […]

Medical Jurisprudence

Right to Health in the Constitution

Law > Medical Jurisprudence > Law and Medicine > Right to Health in the Constitution Health is a vital indicator of human development and human development is the basic ingredient of economic and social development. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the […]

Medical Jurisprudence

Medico-Legal Aspect of Sexual Assault

Law > Medical Jurisprudence > Law and Medicine > Medico-Legal Aspect of Sexual Assault A Medico-Legal Case (MLC) can be defined as a case of injury or ailment, etc., in which investigations by the law-enforcing agencies are essential to fix the responsibility regarding the causation of the injury or ailment. It may be a legal […]

Medical Jurisprudence

Human Experimentation with Drugs

Law > Medical Jurisprudence > Law and Medicine > Medico-Legal Aspect of Human Experimentation with Drugs Human experimentation can be broadly defined as anything done to an individual to learn how it will affect him. The main objective of human experimentation with drugs is the acquisition of new scientific knowledge rather than therapy. Human experimentation […]

Medical Jurisprudence

Medico-Legal Aspect of Road Accidents

Law > Medical Jurisprudence > Law and Medicine > Medico-Legal Aspect of Road Accidents A Medico-Legal Case (MLC) can be defined as a case of injury or ailment, etc., in which investigations by the law-enforcing agencies are essential to fix the responsibility regarding the causation of the injury or ailment. It may be a legal case requiring […]

Medical Jurisprudence

Pattern Injuries to Pedestrians in Road Accident

Law > Medical Jurisprudence > Law and Medicine > Pattern Injuries to Pedestrians in Road Accident A traffic or road accident is defined as an accident involving at least one vehicle on a road open to public traffic in which at least one person is injured or killed. The main cause of accidents and crashes […]

Civil Procedure Code

Rejection of Plaint

Indian Legal System > Civil Laws > The Code of Civil Procedure > Rejection of Plaint by the Court (Order VII Rules 11, 12 and 13) The term Plaint has not been defined in the Code. However, it can be defined as a statement of claim by presentation of which the suit is instituted. It […]

Civil Procedure Code

Return of Plaint by the Court (Order VII Rules 10, 10A and 10B)

Indian Legal System > Civil Laws > The Code of Civil Procedure > Return of Plaint by the Court (Order VII Rules 10, 10A and 10B) The term Plaint has not been defined in the Code. However, it can be defined as a statement of claim by presentation of which the suit is instituted. It […]