Social Laws

The Status of Women in India

Law > Social Laws > Laws Related to Women and Children > The Status of Women in Pre-independence India Every human society is invariably characterized by social dif­ferentiations. Gender-based differentiation is one.  Men had the role of earning and women had the role of reproduction of heirs and homemaking. Indian society is chained by orthodox […]


Use of the Laws of Logarithms: Set – I

Science > Mathematics > Algebra > Logarithms > Use of the Laws of Logarithms Set – I In the last article, we have studied the laws of logarithms and their proofs. In this article, we shall study to solve problems on laws of logarithms (law of product, Law of quotient, Law of exponent, etc.) to […]


Problems Based on Definition of Logarithm

Science > Mathematics > Algebra > Logarithms > Problems Based on Definition of Logarithms In the last article, we have studied the concept of logarithm and interconversion between exponential form and logarithmic form. In this article, we shall study to solve problems based on the definition of logarithm. Definition of Logarithm: If m = ax, […]


Use of the Laws of Logarithms: Set – VI

Science > Mathematics > Algebra > Logarithms > Use of Laws of Logarithms Set – V (Solve for x) In the last article, we shall study problems based on the change of base rule. In this article, we shall study the use of definition and the laws of logarithms to find the value of ‘x’ […]



In this article, we shall study to solve problems on logarithms in which a relation is given using which we have to prove another relation. Laws of Logarithms Log a + Log b = Log (ab) (Law of Product) Log a – log b = log (a/b)    b ≠ 0 (law of Quotient) Log am […]


Use of the Laws of Logarithms: Set – V

Science > Mathematics > Algebra > Logarithms > Use of Laws of Logarithms Set – V (Change of Base Rule) In the next article, we shall study to solve more problems on the laws of logarithms to prove given logarithmic relation. In this article, we shall study problems based on the change of base rule. […]


Use of the Laws of Logarithms: Set – II

Science > Mathematics > Algebra > Logarithms > Use of the Laws of Logarithms Set – II In the last article, we have studied to solve problems on the laws of logarithms to evaluate or simplify given logarithmic expression. In this article, we shall study to solve more problems on these laws to prove given […]

Public International Law

International Labour Organization

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. The ILO was founded in accordance with Part XIII of the Treaty of Versailles, commonly called the Labour Section on April 19, 1919, by the Peace Conference as an autonomous body […]

Inorganic Chemistry


The group IV-A (14) in the periodic table is known as ‘Carbon family’ consist of five elements, namely, Carbon (C), Silicon(Si) Germanium (Ge), Tin (Sn) and Lead (Pb). Carbon is the essential constituent of all organic matter, while silicon is an important constituent of inorganic matter. Electronic Configuration of Group IV(14)  Elements: Sr.No. Elements Atomic […]

Physical Chemistry

Atomic Radius

In this article, we shall discuss a very important periodic property called the atomic radius. Atomic Radius: The size of an atom is very small (120 pm). Secondly, since the electron cloud surrounding the atom does not have a sharp boundary, the determination of the atomic size cannot be precise.   One practical approach of finding the size of an atom of […]