Organic Chemistry

Physical Properties of Alkyl Halides

Science > Chemistry > Organic Chemistry > Halogen Derivatives of Alkanes > Physical Properties of Alkyl Halides In the last few articles, we have studied the methods of preparations of alkyl halides. In this article, we shall study the physical properties of alkyl halides. Some physical properties of alkyl halides are as follows: State: Lower […]

Organic Chemistry

Preparation of Alkyl Halides by Halide Exchange Method

Science > Chemistry > Organic Chemistry > Halogen Derivatives of Alkanes > Preparation of Alkyl Halides by Halide Exchange Method In the last three articles, we have studied the methods of preparations of alkyl halides from alkanes, alkenes, alcohols. In this article, we shall study the method of the preparation of alkyl halids by halide […]

Organic Chemistry

Preparation of Alkyl halides From Alcohols

Science > Chemistry > Organic Chemistry > Halogen Derivatives of Alkanes > Preparation of Alkyl halides From Alcohols In the last two articles, we have studied the methods of preparation of alkyl halides from alkanes and alkenes. In this article, we shall study the preparation of alkyl halides from alcohols. The Action of HX on […]

Organic Chemistry

Preparation of Alkyl halides From Alkenes

Science > Chemistry > Organic Chemistry > Halogen Derivatives of Alkanes > Preparation of Alkyl halides From Alkenes In the last article, we have studied the preparation of alkyl halides from alkanes. In this article, we shall study the preparation of alkyl halides from alkenes (olefins). The Action of HX on Alkenes: It is an […]

Organic Chemistry

Preparation of Alkyl Halides From Alkanes

Science > Chemistry > Organic Chemistry > Halogen Derivatives of Alkanes > Preparation of Alkyl Halides From Alkanes In this article, we shall study methods of preparation of alkyl halides from alkanes. Alkyl halides can be prepared from alkanes by their halogenation. General Reaction: R – H  +  X– X  →  R – X     +     […]

Physical Chemistry

Arrhenius Equation

Science > Chemistry > Chemical Kinetics > Arrhenius Equation In this article, we shall study the factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction and the Arrhenius equation. Factors Affecting the Rate Of Reaction: The Concentration of Reactants: The number of collisions and hence the activated collisions between the reactant molecules increase with the increase […]

Physical Chemistry

Collision Theory

Science > Chemistry > Chemical Kinetics > Collision Theory The occurrence of a bimolecular chemical reaction can be explained on the basis of collision theory. The Collision of Reacting Molecules: Consider a bimolecular general reaction A  + B  →   C In order for a chemical reaction to take place, the molecules of reactants A and […]

Physical Chemistry

Molecularity of Reaction and Catalysis

Science > Chemistry > Chemical Kinetics > Molecularity of Reaction and Catalysis In this article, we shall study the molecularity of reaction and catalysis. The Concept of Elementary Reactions: Many reactions that follow a simple rate law are actually taking place in series of steps. These reactions are called complex reactions. Each step in a […]

Physical Chemistry

Rate of Zero Order Reaction

Science > Chemistry > Chemical Kinetics > Rate of Zero Order Reaction In this article, we shall study the analytical treatment to the zero-order reaction, and the rate of zero-order reaction. Order of Reaction: The overall order of the reaction is defined as the sum of the exponents to which the concentration terms in the […]

Physical Chemistry

First Order Reaction

Science > Chemistry > Chemical Kinetics > Rate of First Order Reaction In this article, we shall study the order of reaction and the analytical treatment to the first-order reaction, and the rate of the first-order reaction. Order of Reaction: The overall order of the reaction is defined as the sum of the exponents to […]