
Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Science > Physics > Force > Newton’s Third Law of Motion In this article, we shall study Newton’s third law of motion and the concept of action-reaction pair of forces. Statement: To every action, there is always equal, opposite and simultaneous reaction. Explanation: Let us consider a block of metal kept on the table. The […]


Newton’s Second Law of Motion

Science > Physics > Force > Newton’s Second Law of Motion In this article, we should study the concept of momentum and Newton’s Second Law of Motion. To apply Newton’s second law of motion, the body should be acted upon by an unbalanced force. Thus to apply this law we should consider a net force […]


Newton’s First Law of Motion

Science > Physics > Force > Newton’s First Law of Motion Newton’s laws of motion are three physical laws that, together, laid the foundation for classical mechanics.  In this article, we shall discuss Newton’s first law of motion and the concept of inertia of a body. Statement of Newton’s First Law of Motion: Every material body […]


Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

Science > Physics > Force > Concept of Balanced and Unbalanced Forces In this article, we shall discuss the concept of balanced forces and unbalanced forces. Kinematics: The branch of physics (mechanics) which deals with the motion of the bodies without considering the forces causing it is called kinematics. Dynamics: The branch of physics (mechanics) which deals […]


Types of Forces

Science > Physics > Force > Types of Forces Depending upon the interaction between the bodies and level of contact forces are classified a) Contact forces b) Non-contact forces. Muscular force is a contact force. Electrostatic force is non contact force. Contact Forces: A force which can be applied only when it is in contact […]


Concept of Force

Science > Physics > Force > Concept of Force When we push, pull, kick, lift, throw, flick, hit, pick, squeeze, press, inflate, open, close an object we say a force is applied on the object. These actions are nothing but the application of force. Whatever may be the method of application of the force, they […]


Transmission and Types of Communicable Diseases

Science > Biology > Applied Biology > Human Health and Diseases > Transmission and Types of Communicable Diseases Transmission of Communicable Diseases Infectious diseases can be transmitted either directly or indirectly Direct transmission of Diseases:  In this case, the pathogens are transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person directly without any intermediate agent. […]


Communicable or Infectious Diseases

Science > Biology > Applied Biology > Human Health and Diseases > Communicable or Infectious Diseases Communicable diseases are those diseases which spread from one person to another through a variety of ways that include: contact with blood and bodily fluids; breathing in an airborne virus; or by being bitten by an insect. They are […]



Science > Biology > Applied Biology > Human Health and Diseases > Disease A major cause of ill health is ignorance, for example, ignorance about a balanced diet, or about the harmful effect of tobacco and alcohol. To achieve and maintains good health, basic knowledge about the body should be a part of education. Good […]


Community Hygiene

Science > Biology > Applied Biology > Human Health and Diseases > Community Hygiene Some health measures can be undertaken only by the community as a whole. Community hygiene includes water source protection, proper disposal of solid waste and excreta, wastewater drainage, controlling animal rearing and market hygiene. It is the responsibility of the community leader with legal […]