
Nutrient Management (Natural Methods)

Science > Biology > Management of Crop Production > Natural Methods of Nutrient Management A nutrient Management refers to the maintenance of soil fertility and of plant nutrient supply at an optimum level for sustaining the desired productivity through optimization of the benefits from all possible sources of organic, inorganic and biological components. Plants require […]


Plant Nutrients

Science > Biology > Management of Crop Production > Plant Nutrients Green plants are autotrophic. They require inorganic matter from outside and synthesize their own organic matter. Plant nutrients are mineral elements need by the plants for their growth, development, and maintenance. Soil is a major source of plant nutrients needed by plants for growth. […]


Step – 2: Selection and Testing of Superior Recombinants

Science > Biology > Improvement in Crop variety > Selection and Testing of Superior Recombinants The selection and testing of superior recombinants involve picking up the better ones from the entire crop plants. The collected germ-plasm is now evaluated to identify the plants showing the desirable combination of characters. Selfing the selected plant for several […]


Sowing of Seeds

Science > Biology > Management of Crop Production > Sowing of Seeds Sowing of seeds is the most important part of crop production. This is the second step in crop production.  Once the soil preparation is done, it is now time to sow the selected seeds. Sowing is the actual process of planting the seeds […]


Step-1: Collection and Conservation of Germplasm

Science > Biology > Improvement in Crop variety > Collection and Conservation of Germplasm From ancient time, humans have collected germplasm from the wild variety and domesticated it. Domestication: Domestication is the process of bringing wild species under human management. The domestication of plants is one of the first and most crucial steps in developing […]


Seed Dormancy

Science > Biology > Management of Crop Production > Seed Dormancy Seed dormancy is the innate inhibition of germination of a viable seed even placed in the most favourable environment for germination. seed dormancy is also called the rest of the seed. Generally, Seeds are dormant once they leave their parent. It enables the embryo to […]


Preparation of Soil

Science > Biology > Management of Crop Production > Preparation of Soil When plants of the same kind are grown and cultivated at one place on a large scale, it is called a crop. For example, a crop of wheat means that all the plants grown in a field are that of wheat. Modern agriculture […]


Improvement in Crop Variety

Science > Biology > Improvement in Crop variety > Improvement in Crop Variety The plant breeding technique is the combination of desirable and suitable characteristics from many selected crops into a single hybrid crop, then to multiply it and make the hybrid plant available to farmers for cropping.   Thus Crop improvement refers to the genetic […]


Classification of Crops

Science > Biology > Management of Crop Production > Classification of Crops All living organisms need food for survival, health, growth, and development. Food provides nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Different crops require different climatic conditions, temperature, and photoperiods for their growth and completion of their life cycle. The growth of plants […]


Impact of Green Revolution

Science > Biology > Improvement in Crop variety > Impact of the Green Revolution When studying the impact of the Green Revolution we have to consider both of its sides: merits and demerits Merits of the Green Revolution: Increase in Agricultural Production: The aim of the Green Revolution was to make India self-sufficient in the […]