
Characteristics and Limitations of Statistics

Management > Managerial Statistics > Characteristics, Functions and Limitations of Statistics Characteristics of Statistics: Statistics are aggregate of facts: A single figure cannot be analyzed. A single figure relating to height, production, sales, birth, death etc. cannot be called statistics, but aggregates of such figures like height of students in a class, production of different models […]


Management in Different Perspectives

Management as a Process: The process is a series of inter-related functions. George R. Terry defines it as a distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling performed to achieve stated objectives. In this perspective, management is creation, operation, and direction of the organization through systematic, coordinated and cooperated efforts of human and machine […]


Management – Perspective, Objectives and Effectiveness

What is management? The core meaning of management is the act of managing human, technical and financial resources. The person who performs these tasks is called the manager, It can be considered as an organized group (team) effort to achieve the set goals and targets of the organization. The various other definitions are as follows […]

Operation Research

Introduction to Operations Research

What is Operations Research? Operations Research is also known as management science, decision science or industrial engineering. It helps in providing quantitative aid to the management in a decision-making process. According to the Operational Research Society of UK, Operational Research is the application of methods of modern science on complex problems arising in the direction and […]

Production and Operations

Production Planning

Production planning is the administrative process that takes place within a manufacturing business and which involves making sure that sufficient raw materials, staff and other necessary items are procured and ready to create finished products according to the schedule specified.  Production planning occupies significant place in an organisation because other functional areas of management viz., financing, […]

Production and Operations

Production Management

Production refers to the creation of goods and services for consumption by the society. This production means converting inputs into outputs as per the need of the society. Production management encompasses all those activities that enable conversion of a set of inputs into outputs which are useful to meet the human needs. Production Management is the […]


Types of Plans

Management > General Management > Functions of Management > Types of Plans Classification of plans is done on the basis of what it seeks and the method in which it is applied. Objectives or Goals: The first step in the planning process is to set objectives. Objectives can be defined as the desired future position that the […]


Significance of Planning

Management > General Management > Functions of Management > Significance of Planning In this article, we shall study the significance of planning in the management. In the last article, we have seen that it is the primary function of management. In this article, we shall see the advantages and disadvantages of planning. Advantages of Planning: […]


Planning – Primary Function of Management

Management > General Management > Functions of Management > Planning – Primary Function of Management Planning is the primary function of management. It is the methodology by which certain objectives are identified and strategies are devised for its subsequent realization. It is a preparatory step. It is a systematic activity which determines what, why, how, when, […]


Introduction to Statistics

Management > Managerial Statistics > Introduction to Statistics What is a Statistic? Statistics has been defined differently by different authors and each author has assigned new limits to the field which should be included in the scope of statistics Seligman, defines “It is a science which deals with the method of collecting, classifying, presenting, comparing and […]