Civil Procedure Code

Parties to the Suit (Order I Rules 1 – 3)

Indian Legal System > Civil Laws > The Code of Civil Procedure > Parties to the Suit (Order I Rules 1 – 3) The term suit has not been defined in the Code. In Pandurang Ramchandra v. Shantibai Ramchandra, AIR 1989 SC 2240, the Supreme Court held that “suit” means a civil proceedings instituted by […]


JEE Advanced Past Questions: Units and Measurements

Science > Physics > Units and Measurement > JEE Advanced Past Questions: Units and Measurements Fill in the Blank with Appropriate Answer: Q1. Plank’s constant has dimension ………….. (1985 2M) Click Here for Solution Q2. In the formula X = 3 YZ2, X and Z have dimensions of capacitance and magnetic induction respectively. The dimensions […]

Public International Law

Corfu Channel Case

The arguments  developed  by  the  UK  in  its  pleadings  and  taken  up  by  the  ICJ  during the Corfu channel case constitute  a  major  influence  on  the  development  of  international  law.  The pleadings of the UK later developed as due diligence obligations of States regarding the use of their territory. Introduction: Incidents that occurred on 22nd […]


JEE Main/AIEEE Past Questions: Units and Measurements

Science > Physics > Units and Measurement > JEE Main/AIEEE Past Questions: Units and Measurements MCQs With One Correct Answer: Choose the Correct Alternative Q1. Identify the pair whose dimensions are equal (2002) (a) torque and work (b) stress and energy (c) force and stress (d) force and work Click Here for Solution Q2. Dimensions […]

Physics Concept Application -01

Science > Physics > Introduction to Measurements > Concept Application – 01 Introduction to Measurements LIST OF SUB-TOPICS: Fill in the Blanks: Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. Answers: 1) seven, two 2) unit 3) m s-1 4) newton (N) 5) joule (J) 6) kg ms-1 7) kg m2 s-1 8) cm s-1 9) […]


Measuring Things and Conversions Set 01

Source of Problems: Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday and Resnick, 10th Edition: Chapter 1: Problems 1 to 9 Example 01: Earth is approximately a sphere of radius 6.37 x 106 m. What are (a) its circumference in kilometers, (b) its surface area in square kilometers, and (c) its volume in cubic kilometers? Given: radius of […]


Principle of Heat Exchange

Science > Physics > Thermometry > Numerical Problems on Principle of Heat Exchange In the last article, we have studied out calorimetry. In this article, we shall study more numerical problems on the principle of heat exchange. Law of Heat Exchange: When a hot body is mixed or kept in contact with a cold body, […]



Science > Physics > Thermometry > Numerical Problems on Temperature Scales In the last article, we have seen the concept of specific heat, latent heat and we have solved numerical problems on the concept. In this article, we shall study to solve problems on heat exchanges involving calorimeter. Heat Capacity of a Body: It is […]


Concept of Specific Heat and latent Heat

Science > Physics > Thermometry > Numerical Problems on Temperature Scales In the previous article, we studied measurement temperature, various scales to measure temperature viz: Celsius scale, Fahrenheit scale, and Kelvin scale, and also interconversion of temperature in different temperature scales. In this article, we shall study, the concept of specific heat and latent heat […]


Concept of Temperature

Science > Physics > Thermal Properties of Matter and Thermodynamics > Concept of Temperature In last article we have discussed concept of heat. In this article, we shall study the concept of temperature, different temperature scales, and convert temperature in different temperature scales. Defining Temperature: Temperature can be defined in several ways: It is measured […]