Science > Biology > Botany> Morphology of Plants > The Stem and Buds The body of a typical flowering plant can be divided into the underground root system and aerial shoot system. The shoot system is heterogeneous. The shoot system (stem) is an aerial and erect part of the plant body that grows upwards. It is usually […]

- Tags Adventitious buds, Apical buds, Biology, Botany, Branching of stem, Bud scales, Buds, Characteristics of stem, Floral buds, Functions of stem, Hemant More, Hemantmore, Lateral branching, Lateral buds, Mixed buds, More Hemant, More Shruti, Morphology, Morphology of plant, Racemose branching, Shruti More, shrutimore, Stem, Tendrellar buds, Terminal buds, Turion buds, Types of stem, Vegetative buds, Winter buds