Science > Physics > Magnetism > Magnetic Field and Geomagnetism The branch of physics which deals with the study of earth’s magnetic field is called terrestrial magnetism or geomagnetism. The magnetism on the surface of the earth can be approximately represented by assuming a huge imaginary bar magnet in the interior of the earth. The […]
- Post author By Hemant More
- Post date November 6, 2019
- No Comments on Geomagnetism

- Tags Agonic line, Angle of dip, aurora australis, aurora borealis, Clinic line, Declination, Dip circle, Geographical axis, Geographical equator, Geographical meridian, Geographical north, Geographical south, Isoclinic line, Isogonic line, Magnetic axis, Magnetic equator, Magnetic meridian, Magnetic north, Magnetic south, Neutral points, north pole, polar axis, south pole, Terrestrial magnetism