Science > Physics > Photoelectric Effect >Applications of Photovoltaic Cell Photoelectric cell or photocell or photovoltaic cell is an electronic device which works on the principle of the photoelectric effect and converts light energy into electrical energy. Construction: Photocell consists of an evacuated glass tube containing two electrodes emitter (C) and Collector (A). The emitter […]
Applications of Photovoltaic Cell
- Post author By Hemant More
- Post date November 13, 2019
- 1 Comment on Applications of Photovoltaic Cell

- Tags Burglar Alarm, Cathode ray, e by m ratio, e/m ratio, Exposure meter, Incident frequency, Incident wavelength, Luxmeter, Maximum kinetic energy, Motion picture, Numerical problems on specific charge, Photocelll, photoelectric, photoelectricity, Photosensitive material, Photovoltaic cell, Soundtrack recording, stopping potential, Thomson's experiment, Threshold frequency, Threshold wavelength, Work function