Science > Biology > Botany> Morphology of Plants > The Leaf The body of a typical flowering plant can be divided into the underground root system and aerial shoot system. The shoot system is heterogeneous. The shoot system (stem) is an aerial and erect part of the plant body that grows upwards. It is usually above […]

- Tags Biology, Botany, Characteristic of leaf, Compound leaf, Decompound Compound Leaves, Function of leaf, Furcate venation, Hemant More, Hemantmore, Leaves, More Hemant, More Shruti, Morphology, Morphology of plant, Multicostate Reticulate Venation, Multiicostate convergent parallel Venation, Multiicostate Divergent parallel Venation, Palmate venation, Palmately Compound Leaves, Parallel venation, Phyllotaxy, Pinnate venation, Pinnately Compound Leaves, Reticulate venation, Shruti More, shrutimore, Simple leaf, Types of Leaves, Types of venation, Unicostate parallel Venation, Unicostate Reticulate Venation, Venation