Science > Physics > Wave Motion > Reflection of Waves In this article, we shall study the reflection of waves at the boundary of the denser medium and rarer medium. Wave in a medium may be defined as the disturbance moving through the medium without change of form. e.g. ripple in water formed due to […]
Reflection of Waves
- Post author By Hemant More
- Post date January 18, 2020
- 2 Comments on Reflection of Waves

- Tags Amplitude of a wave, Condensation, Crest, Doubly periodic, Extension, Frequency of a wave, Longitudinal wave, One dimensional wave, Period of a wave, Periodic in space, Periodic in time, Rarefaction, Reflection at boundary of denser medium, Reflection at boundary of rarer medium, Reflection from curved surface, Reflection of sound waves, Simple harmonic progressive wave, Three dimensional wave, Transverse wave, Trough, Two dimensional wave, Velocity of a wave, Wave, Wave Motion, Wave number, Wavelength, Wavelength of a wave