International Law is a body of principles & rules commonly observed by States in their mutual relationship with each other. It includes the law relating to States & International organizations and also International Organisations inter se. The term “International Law” was coined by British Jurist Bentham. Before this nomenclature, the International Law was known as […]
Introduction to Public International Law
- Post author By Hemant More
- Post date November 8, 2020
- No Comments on Introduction to Public International Law

- Tags [1938] 3 DLR 590, Bentham, Colombian Peruvian Assylum case, General International Law, Hackworth, Kelson, Lawrence, Lex domicilii, Lex fori, Lex loci, Lex loci Celebrationis, Lex loci delicti, lex loci delicti commissi, Lex loci rei sitae, Lex situs, Oppenheim, Pan-American Havana Convention on Asylum, Private International Law, Public International law, Regional International Law, Sir Arthur Watts, Sir Robert Jennings, Starke, Stephens vs. Falchi