Science > Physics > Stationary Waves > Melde’s Experiment In this article, we shall study Melde’s experiment of vibrating string and find the relation between the number of loops and the tension in the string. Melde’s Experiment for Longitudinal or Parallel Position: Melde’s experiment set up consists of a light string is tied to one […]
Melde’s Experiment
- Post author By Hemant More
- Post date February 4, 2020
- No Comments on Melde’s Experiment

- Tags all hamonics, Antinode, Displacement antinode, Displacement node, end correction, First overtone, Frequency of tuning fork, Fundamental frequency, Fundamental mode, harmonic, Longitudinalposition, loop, Mechanical wave, Melde's experiment, Node, odd harmonics, overtone, Parallel position, Perpendicular position, pipe open at both end, pipe open at one end, Pressure antinode, Pressure node, Progressive wave, Reflection of wave, Second harmonic, Second overtone, Stationary wave, Stationary waves, Third harmonic, Transverse position, Vibrating string, Vibration of air column, Wave