The Indian Contract Act clearly states that there cannot be a stranger to a contract. It means any third party which is not a part of the contract for breach of contract. There are some exceptions. These exceptions are explained through the Doctrine of Privity of a Contract. The Indian Contract Act. 1872, allows the […]
Doctrine of Privity of Contract
- Post author By Hemant More
- Post date March 4, 2019
- No Comments on Doctrine of Privity of Contract

- Tags Beswick v Beswick, Covenant running, Daropti v. Jaspat Rai, Doctrine of Privity of Contract, Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. Ltd. Vs. Selfridge & Co. Ltd., Estoppel, Family settlement, Khwaja Muhammad Khan v Hussaini Begum, Kshirodebihari Datta V. Mangobinda Panda, Marriage, N. devaraja urs v. Ramkrishnah, Partition, Rose Fernandez v. Joseph Gonsalves, Shuppu Ammal Vs. Subramaniyam, Smith and Snipes Hall Farm Ltd v River Douglas Catchment Board, Trust, Tulk v Moxhay, Wakefield v Duckworth