General Biology

Biology and Agriculture

Science > Biology > Introduction to Biology > Biology and Agriculture List of Sub-Topics: Biology and agriculture are closely intertwined fields that rely on each other for advancements and sustainable practices. The integration of biology into agriculture is essential for promoting innovation, sustainability, and resilience in food production systems while addressing the complex challenges facing […]

General Biology

Biology and Food

Science > Biology > Introduction to Biology > Biology and food List of Sub-Topics: Biology and food are intricately linked disciplines that explore the relationship between living organisms and the nutrients they consume for growth, development, and energy. Here are some key aspects of how biology relates to food: Nutrition and Metabolism: Nutrition and metabolism […]

General Biology

Biology and Health

Science > Biology > Introduction to Biology > Biology and Health List of Sub-Topics: Biology and health are intricately linked disciplines that delve into the complexities of life and well-being. Biology, the study of living organisms, provides the foundation for understanding the physiological, genetic, and environmental factors that influence human health. This essay aims to […]

General Biology

Biology and Nature

Science > Biology > Introduction to Biology > Biology and Nature Biology and nature are two intertwined realms that encapsulate the essence of life on Earth. While biology delves into the scientific study of living organisms, nature embodies the entirety of the physical world, comprising both living and non-living entities. This article seeks to unravel […]


Measurement of Temperature

Science > Physics > Thermal Properties of Matter and Thermodynamics > Measurement of Temperature LIST OF SUB-TOPICS: In last article, we have studied different temperature scales. In this article, we shall discuss methods of measurement of temperature and thermometers. Temperature can be defined in several ways: It is measured in °C (centigrade or Celsius) or […]


Thermodynamic or Temperature Scales

Science > Physics > Thermal Properties of Matter and Thermodynamics > Thermodynamic or Temperature Scales In last article, we have studied the concept of temperature. In this article, we shall discuss different thermodynamic or temperature scales. Temperature can be defined in several ways: It is measured in °C (centigrade or Celsius) or K (Kelvin). It […]


Concept of Heat

Science > Physics > Thermal Properties of Matter and Thermodynamics > concept of Heat “Heat” refers to the transfer of thermal energy between substances due to a temperature difference. It’s a form of energy associated with the motion of atoms and molecules in a substance. Heat always flows from regions of higher temperature to regions […]

Indian Evidence Act

Doctrine of Estoppel (Ss. 115 to 117 IEA)

Estoppel is based on the principle that it would be most inequitable and unjust that if one person , by a representation made, or by conduct amounting to a representation, had induced another to act as he would not otherwise have done, the person who made the representation should not be allowed to deny or […]

Sale of Goods Act

Transfer of Title

Sections 27 to 30 deal with transfer of title by person not the owner. The general rule is that only the owner of goods can sell the goods. Conversely, the sale of an article by a person who is not or who has not the authority of the owner, gives no title to the buyer. […]

Sale of Goods Act

Transfer of Property as Between Seller and Buyer

Transfer or passing of property implies transfer of ownership and not the physical possession of goods. For example, where a principal sends goods to his agent, he merely transfers the physical possession and not the ownership of goods. Here, the principal is the owner of the goods but is not having possession of goods and […]