
Numerical Problems on Photoelectric Effect

Science > Physics > Photoelectric Effect > Numerical Problems on Photoelectric Effect In this article, we shall study to calculate, Energy of incident photon, threshold wavelength and threshold frequency of metal. Example – 01: The energy of a photon is 2.59 eV. Find its frequency and wavelength. Given: Energy of photon = E = 2.59 […]


Photoelectric Effect

Science > Physics > Photoelectric Effect > Photoelectric Effect It is found that when the light of very short wavelength (or high frequency) is incident on a certain metallic surface of photosensitive material, electrons are emitted by the surface. Most of the metals emit electrons when ultra-violet light is incident on them.  However, alkali metals […]


Problems on Specific Charge Ratio

Science > Physics > Photoelectric Effect > Problems on Specific Charge In this article, we shall see problems based on Thomson’s experiment to calculate the specific charge (e/m). Example – 01: In Thomson’s experiment, a beam of electrons travelling at 6.8 x 107 m/s is bent into a circular path of radius 4 cm in […]


Specific Charge Ratio of Electron

Science > Physics > Photoelectric Effect > Thomson’s Experiment In this article, we shall study Thomson’s experiment to find the velocity of the electron in cathode rays and the specific charge ratio of an electron. Concept of Work Function: When an electron tries to come out of a metal surface (atom) the remaining part of […]


Numerical Problems on Poisson’s Ratio

Science > Physics > Elasticity > Numerical Problems on Poisson’s Ratio In this article, we shall study the concept of poisson’s ratio and numerical problems on it. The concept of this constant (Poisson,s ratio) was introduced by physicist Simeon Poisson. When a rod or wire is subjected to tensile stress, its length increases in the […]


Numerical Problems on Stress, Strain, and Young’s Modulus

Science > Physics > Elasticity > Numerical Problems on Stress, Strain, and Young’s Modulus In this article, we shall study concept application and numerical problems on longitudinal stress, longitudinal strain, Young’s modulus of elasticity. Conversion Factors: From To Factor mm m x 10-3 cm m x 10-2 m mm x 103 m cm x 102 […]


Torque Acting on Bar Magnet in Uniform Magnetic Field

Science > Physics > Magnetism > Torque Acting on Bar Magnet in Uniform Magnetic Field In this article, we shall study the force acting on poles and torque action on bar magnet suspended in a uniform magnetic field. Force Between Two Magnetic Poles (Inverse Square law): If two poles of strengths m1 and m2 separated […]


Magnetic Dipole Moment of a Magnet

Science > Physics > Magnetism > Magnetic Dipole Moment of a Magnet In this article, we shall study the terminology of a bar magnet and the concept of the magnetic dipole moment of a magnet. Bar Magnet: A bar magnet is a rectangular parallelepiped body which exhibits magnetic properties. When a bar magnet is suspended […]

Indian Easements Act

Indian Easement Act, 1882

In this article, we shall introduce ourselves to the Indian Easements Act, 1882. This Act is very important in combination with the Transfer of Property Act. As the name itself suggests it is a mere right enjoyed by a person to utilize other’s property without owning it. Such rights are granted to the person enjoying the right, by […]


Types of Magnetic Materials

Science > Physics > Magnetism > Types of Magnetic Materials In this article, we shall study types of magnetism, types of magnetic material, and Curie temperature. On the basis of magnetic behaviour magnetic materials are classified into three types: diamagnetic, paramagnetic, and ferromagnetic substances. Origin of Magnetism: The origin of magnetism in substances can be […]