
Index Number By Simple Aggregative Method

Management > Managerial Statistics > Index Number By Simple Aggregative Method In Simple Aggregative Method, the total price of commodities in a given (current) year is divided by the total price of commodities in a base year and expressed as a percentage. Steps involved in Simple Aggregative Method: Add the prices of all the commodities […]

International Business


Management > International Business Management > Introduction to International Business > Globalization Globalization is a process where businesses are dealt in markets around the world, apart from the local and national markets. It is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and mutual sharing, and other aspects of […]


Construction of Index Number

Management > Managerial Statistics > Construction of Index Number Following are the steps involved in the construction of index number Purpose of index number:  The steps which are taken in the construction of index number generally depend on the purpose of the index number. Hence the purpose of index numbers must be defined clearly, perfectly […]

International Business

Drivers of International Business

Management > International Business Management > Introduction to International Business > Drivers of International Business The production of goods and services has increased around the world due to a number of factors, particularly globalization. Many companies have gone beyond their national borders to have operations, even in remote corners of the world. McDonald’s, Subway, Kellogg’s, Walmart, […]

International Business

Factors Affecting International Business

Management > International Business Management > Introduction to International Business > Factors Affecting International Business The exchange rate, geographical position, level of development, national income, legal and political framework are some factors which influence the international business. Influence of Politics and Protectionism: A country’s government can have a major effect on its balance of trade […]


Index Numbers

Management > Managerial Statistics > Introduction to Index Numbers According to the Spiegel: “An index number is a statistical measure, designed to measure changes in a variable, or a group of related variables with respect to time, geographical location or other characteristics such as income, profession, etc.” According to Patternson: “In its simplest form, an […]

International Business

Disadvantages of International Business

Management > International Business Management > Introduction to International Business > Disadvantages of International Trade The disadvantages of international trade are as follows Impediment in the Development of Domestic Industries: International trade has an adverse effect on the development of domestic industries. Due to foreign competition, cheaper availability, and unrestricted imports, the domestic industries in the […]

International Business

Advantages of International Business

Management > International Business Management > Introduction to International Business > Advantages of International Trade The advantages of international trade are Low-cost production: A company can take advantage of low-cost production outside its domestic operations by identifying a nation where the labour is cost-effective and in abundant supply. For example, countries like China, India, the […]

International Business

Comparative Study of Domestic Business and International Business

Management > International Business Management > Introduction to International Business > Comparative Study of International Business and Domestic Business Characteristics of International Business: It is one which is engaged in an economic transaction with several countries in the world. It is carried out across borders and national territories of a country (Inter-country) Many restrictions are […]

International Business

Features of International Business

Management > International Business Management > Introduction to International Business > Features of International Business In this article, we shall understand the features of international business. Large scale Operations: To cope with the global competition in international business, all the operations are conducted on a very huge scale and generally using special purpose machinery and […]