Constitutional Law

Election of President

Article 54 of the Constitution provides for an indirect method for the election of the President. By Article 54 the President shall be elected by the members of an electoral college consisting of the elected members of both Houses of Parliament; and the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of the States Thus by the […]

Indian Judiciary

Powers, Functions, and Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

Powers and Functions of Supreme Court in India: As a Federal Court: Article 131 of the Indian Constitution vests the SC with original and exclusive jurisdiction to determine the justiciable disputes between the Union and the States or between the States. As a Guardian of the Constitution:  The Supreme Court is the protector and guardian […]

Indian Judiciary

District & Session Courts

The provisions related to subordinate courts are provided in the 6th part of the Indian Constitution. Articles 233-237 deal with the subordinate courts. District courts are under administrative and judicial control of the High Court of the State to which the district concerned belongs.  They form the third level from the top in the hierarchy of […]

Indian Judiciary

High Courts of India

High Courts of India High Courts are second Courts of Importance of the democracy of India. They are at the second level in the hierarchy of the courts in India. In general, they are subordinate to the Supreme Court. They are run by Article 141 of the Constitution of India. They are governed by the […]

Legal Terms

Contempt of Court

Contempt in its simple literal meaning is disgrace, scorn or disobedience. Contempt of court is the offense of being disobedient or disrespectful towards the court, its officers, or the proceedings of a court of law. Thus the contempt of court is any behavior or wrongdoing that conflicts with or challenges the authority, integrity, and superiority […]

Legal Terms


The word jurisprudence comes from the Latin word ‘jurisprudentia’. Juris means law and prudentia means knowledge. So jurisprudence stands for “knowledge of the law” or “wisdom of the law” or “philosophy of the law”.  In general sense, Jurisprudence is the knowledge which deals with law. The study of jurisprudence started with the Romans. Bentham is […]

HR Audit

Introduction to HR Audit

Meaning of  HR Audit: A Human Resources Audit (or HR Audit) is a comprehensive method to review current human resources policies, procedures, documentation and systems to identify needs for improvement and enhancement of the HR function as well as to assess compliance with continuously changing rules and regulations. It is an important management control device to judge organizations performance and effectiveness […]

Consumer Protection Act

Need for Consumer Protection

A Consumer a King or a Victim: A Consumer is a person who purchases a product or avails a service for a consideration, either for his personal use or to earn his livelihood by means of self-employment. The consideration may be: Paid, Promised, Partly paid and partly promised. Consumers play a vital role in the economic system of any nation. Consumers […]

Political Science

Constitution of India – Fundamental Rights

Rights: Dictionary meaning of word “RIGHTS” is a moral or legal entitlement to have or do something. Rights are the claims to do or have certain things which are essential for complete development of every citizen, Using these rights citizen can live dignified life without any harassment or interference by the state or any other […]

Political Science

Making of Indian Constitution

What is the Constitution? The Framing of Indian constitution: Sessions of the Constituent Assembly: Important Committees of Constituent Assembly and Their Chairmen: Republic of India: Key Features of the Indian Constitution: Federalism: Parliamentary Form of Government: Separation of Powers: Fundamental Rights in Indian Constitution: Secularism: