General Biology


Science > Biology > Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi > Viruses In the five-kingdom classification of Whittaker, there is no mention of some acellular organisms like viruses and viroids and lichens. Viruses did not find a place in classification since they are not truly ‘living’ if we understand living as those organisms that have […]

General Biology


Science > Biology > Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi > Lichens In the five-kingdom classification of Whittaker, there is no mention of some acellular organisms like viruses and viroids and lichens. A lichen is a long-living composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria (or both) living among filaments of a fungus in a […]

General Biology

Kingdom Fungi

Science > Biology > Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi > Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Fungi: The fungi constitute a unique kingdom of heterotrophic organisms. They show a great diversity in morphology and habitat.  e.g., yeast is used to make bread and beer. Other fungi cause diseases in plants and animals; wheat rust-causing Puccinia is an […]

General Biology

Kingdom Protista

Science > Biology > Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi > Kingdom Protista In the last article, we have discussed the Kingdom Monera. In this article, we shall study the Kingdom Protista. All single-celled eukaryotes are placed under Kingdom Protista (Greek – protistos – First of all), but the boundaries of this kingdom are not well […]

General Biology

Kingdom Monera

Science > Biology > Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi > Kingdom Monera The kingdom Monera is also referred as kingdom prokaryotae. Bacteria are the sole members of the Kingdom Monera. Organisms of kingdom monera are called lower-level organisms because no tissue-level organization is present in them. Their one cell is capable of performing all the functions […]

General Biology

Brief Idea of Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi

Science > Biology > Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi > Brief Idea In this article, we shall get a brief idea of the classification of lower-level organisms i.e we shall study bird eye view of Kingdom Monera, Kingdom Protista, and Kingdom Fungi. In subsequent articles, we shall discuss the classification in detail. In lower-level […]


Resonating Circuit

Science > Physics > Electromagnetic Induction > Resonating Circuit In this article, we shall study resonating circuit: a) LCR Series Circuit and b) LC parallel circuit. Series Resonating Circuit: Consider LCR circuit containing Resistance R, Inductance L and capacitance C connected in series. Let the combination be connected to an A.C. source supplying current i […]


The Reactance of a Circuit

Science > Physics > Electromagnetic Induction > The Reactance of a Circuit In this article, we shall study the concept of the reactance of inductive and capacitive circuits. Concept of Reactance of a Circuit: When A.C. current flows through a circuit, the resistance of the circuit opposes the flow of current. The circuit may contain […]


Rotation of a Coil in Uniform Magnetic Field

Science > Physics > Electromagnetic Induction > Rotation of a Coil in Uniform Magnetic Field In this article, we shall study the rotation of coil in uniform magnetic field, the concept of alternating current. The principle of Electrical Generator: Consider a circular coil of ‘n’ turns of each area A placed with its plane perpendicular […]


Concept of Self and Mutual Induction

Science > Physics > Electromagnetic Induction > Concept of Self and Mutual Induction In this article, we shall study the concept of self and mutual induction and also construction and working of the transformer. Concept of Self Induction: When a current flowing through a coil changes the magnetic flux linked with the coil itself changes. […]