
Natural Radioactivity

Science > Physics > Nuclear Physics > Natural Radioactivity Radioactivity was discovered by French physicist Antoine Becquerel in 1896. He found that certain compounds of uranium emitted invisible radiations which affected photographic plates. It is also found that Thorium and its compounds also show these properties. Madame Curie and Piere Curie discovered two elements namely […]


Introduction to Reflection of Light

Science > Physics > Optics > Reflection of Light > Introduction to Reflection of Light When a ray of light approaches a smooth polished surface and the light ray bounces back, it is called the reflection of light. The surface which reflects the light is called a reflecting surface. The ray of light approaching the […]

Physical Chemistry

Octet Theory

Science > Chemistry > Physical Chemistry > Nature of Chemical Bond > Octet Theory The force of attraction which keeps atoms or ions together in a molecule is called a Chemical bond. The main cause of chemical combination is the tendency to acquire stability i.e. a state with minimum energy and a tendency to acquire […]


Numerical Problems on Moment of Inertia and Radius of Gyration

Science > Physics > Rotational Motion > Numerical Problems on Moment of Inertia and Radius of Gyration In this article, we shall study to solve problems of calculation of moment of inertia, the radius of gyration, and torque acting on a rotating body. Example – 01: A thin uniform rod of length 1 m and […]


Applications of Parallel and Perpendicular Axes Theorems

Science > Physics > Rotational Motion > Applications of Parallel and Perpendicular Axes Theorems The parallel axes theorem states that ” The moment of inertia of a rigid body about any axis is equal to the sum of its moment of inertia about a parallel axis through its centre of mass and the product of […]


Moment of Inertia of Standard Bodies

Science > Physics > Rotational Motion Moment of Inertia of Standard Bodies In this article, we shall study the method of deriving an expression for moment of inertia of a body. Expression for Moment of Inertia of Uniform Rod About a Transverse Axis Passing Through its Centre: Consider a thin uniform rod, of mass M, […]


Artificial Satellites

Science > Physics > Astronomical Physics > Artificial Satellites In this article, we shall study about artificial satellites and their uses. Natural satellites are heavenly bodies revolving around a planet in their fixed orbits. They are comparatively larger in size and their orbits have larger radii. Their surfaces are made of rocky mountains or gas. […]


The Moon

Science > Physics > Astronomical Physics > The Moon The moon revolves around the earth. it is known as the satellite of the Earth. It is the natural satellite of the earth. It is the nearest heavenly body to the earth. It is the brightest object in the night sky. The average distance of it […]


Our Solar System

Science > Physics > Astronomical Physics > Our Solar System The Sun, the eight planets that revolve around it, their satellites, asteroids, and comets all together form our solar system. In the universe, there may be many stars with their own solar system. The sun is the centre of our solar system. All the objects […]



Science > Physics > Astronomical Physics > Stars The stars, the planets, the moon and many other objects in the sky are called celestial or heavenly bodies. The universe includes everything that exists. A cluster of stars is called Galaxy. A galaxy contains billions of stars. Galaxies exist in different shapes. Our galaxy is called […]