General Biology

Brief Idea of Classification of Plants

In this article, we shall get a general idea of the classification of plants. In the next articles, we shall study the classification of plants in detail. Characteristics of Kingdom Plantae: Kingdom Plantae consists of all plants which are multicellular eukaryotes with cell walls. All plants contain plastids. Plastids are a double-membrane organelle that possesses photosynthetic […]

General Biology


Science > Biology > Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi > Viruses In the five-kingdom classification of Whittaker, there is no mention of some acellular organisms like viruses and viroids and lichens. Viruses did not find a place in classification since they are not truly ‘living’ if we understand living as those organisms that have […]

General Biology


Science > Biology > Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi > Lichens In the five-kingdom classification of Whittaker, there is no mention of some acellular organisms like viruses and viroids and lichens. A lichen is a long-living composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria (or both) living among filaments of a fungus in a […]

General Biology

Kingdom Fungi

Science > Biology > Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi > Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Fungi: The fungi constitute a unique kingdom of heterotrophic organisms. They show a great diversity in morphology and habitat.  e.g., yeast is used to make bread and beer. Other fungi cause diseases in plants and animals; wheat rust-causing Puccinia is an […]

General Biology

Kingdom Protista

Science > Biology > Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi > Kingdom Protista In the last article, we have discussed the Kingdom Monera. In this article, we shall study the Kingdom Protista. All single-celled eukaryotes are placed under Kingdom Protista (Greek – protistos – First of all), but the boundaries of this kingdom are not well […]

General Biology

Kingdom Monera

Science > Biology > Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi > Kingdom Monera The kingdom Monera is also referred as kingdom prokaryotae. Bacteria are the sole members of the Kingdom Monera. Organisms of kingdom monera are called lower-level organisms because no tissue-level organization is present in them. Their one cell is capable of performing all the functions […]

General Biology

Brief Idea of Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi

Science > Biology > Classification of Microbes, Protists, and Fungi > Brief Idea In this article, we shall get a brief idea of the classification of lower-level organisms i.e we shall study bird eye view of Kingdom Monera, Kingdom Protista, and Kingdom Fungi. In subsequent articles, we shall discuss the classification in detail. In lower-level […]


Resonating Circuit

Science > Physics > Electromagnetic Induction > Resonating Circuit In this article, we shall study resonating circuit: a) LCR Series Circuit and b) LC parallel circuit. Series Resonating Circuit: Consider LCR circuit containing Resistance R, Inductance L and capacitance C connected in series. Let the combination be connected to an A.C. source supplying current i […]


The Reactance of a Circuit

Science > Physics > Electromagnetic Induction > The Reactance of a Circuit In this article, we shall study the concept of the reactance of inductive and capacitive circuits. Concept of Reactance of a Circuit: When A.C. current flows through a circuit, the resistance of the circuit opposes the flow of current. The circuit may contain […]


Rotation of a Coil in Uniform Magnetic Field

Science > Physics > Electromagnetic Induction > Rotation of a Coil in Uniform Magnetic Field In this article, we shall study the rotation of coil in uniform magnetic field, the concept of alternating current. The principle of Electrical Generator: Consider a circular coil of ‘n’ turns of each area A placed with its plane perpendicular […]