
Doppler Effect

Science > Physics > Wave Motion > Doppler Effect In this article, we shall study the Doppler effect in case of sound waves and a brief idea of the Doppler effect in case of light. Doppler Effect: The apparent change in the frequency of the sound heard by an observer, due to relative motion between […]


Numerical Problems on Beats – 02

Science > Physics > Wave Motion > Numerical Problems on Beats In the last article, we have studied numerical problems on beats involving the sounding of two tuning forks. In this article, we shall study numerical problems on beats involving the sounding of two sound notes. Example – 01: Two sound waves having wavelengths of […]


Numerical Problems on Beats 01

Science > Physics > Wave Motion > Numerical Problems on Beats In this article, we shall study solving problems on formation of beats by sounding two notes together Example – 01: A tuning fork C produces 8 beats per second with a fork D of frequency 340 Hz. When the prongs of C are filed […]


Formation of Beats

Science > Physics > Wave Motion > Formation of Beats In this article, we shall study the formation of beats, conditions required for its formation, and expression for the period and frequency of beats. Principle of Superposition of Waves: When two waves arrive at a point simultaneously, each wave produces its own effect at that […]


Reflection of Waves

Science > Physics > Wave Motion > Reflection of Waves In this article, we shall study the reflection of waves at the boundary of the denser medium and rarer medium. Wave in a medium may be defined as the disturbance moving through the medium without change of form. e.g. ripple in water formed due to […]


Numerical Problems on Simple Harmonic Progressive Wave

Science > Physics > Wave Motion > Numerical Problems on Simple Harmonic Progressive Wave Example – 01: The equation of transverse simple harmonic progressive wave is y = 3 sin 2π(t/0.04 – x/40), where the length is expressed in cm and the time in seconds. Calculate the wavelength, frequency, amplitude and the speed of the […]


Types of Waves

Science > Physics > Wave Motion > Wave Motion In the last article, we have studied the concept of wave motion, its terminology and its characteristics. In this article, we shall study different types of waves and their characteristics. Wave in a medium may be defined as the disturbance moving through the medium without change […]


Simple Harmonic Progressive Wave

Science > Physics > Wave Motion > Simple Harmonic Progressive Wave In this article, we shall study the concept of a simple harmonic progressive wave, its characteristics and its equation. Wave in a medium may be defined as the disturbance moving through the medium without change of form. e.g. ripple in water formed due to […]

Physical Chemistry

Enthalpy of a System

Science > Chemistry > Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics > Enthalpy of a System The enthalpy of system is defined as the sum of the internal energy of the system and energy that arises due to pressure and volume. It is denoted by letter H. Mathematically, H = U + PV Where, H = Enthalpy U […]

Physical Chemistry

Laws of Thermodynamics

Science > Chemistry > Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics > First Law of Thermodynamics In this article, we shall study the first law of thermodynamics and its application to different chemical processes. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics: Statement: If two bodies (say A and B) are in thermal equilibrium of the third body (say C) then body […]