Science > Physics > Communication > Satellite Communication Radio Communication uses ground wave, skywave, and space wave propagation. Ground wave and space wave communication are restricted to small distances, whereas skywave propagation uses frequencies ranging from 3 MHz to 30 MHz. Very high frequency (> 30 MHz) and microwave communication over long distances use a Satellite. […]
Satellite Communication
- Post author By Hemant More
- Post date November 16, 2019
- No Comments on Satellite Communication

- Tags Amplifier, Antenna, Attenuation, Broadcast communication, Cables, Coaxial cable, Communication, Communication channels, Communication systems, Demodulator, Distortion, Interference, Line communication, Modulation, Modulator, Noise, Optical communication, Optical fibre, Optical signal detector, Optical source, Parallel wire, Point to point communication, Receiver, Transmitter, Twisted wires, Wires