
Dairy Products

Biology > Animal Husbandry > Dairy Products Important dairy products are milk and dung. Milk is considered as a complete food. Dung is used for making manure. Milk: Constituents of Milk: Water: 87.3% (85.5 – 88.7%) Milk fat: 3.9 % (2.4 – 5.5%): In cow’s milk fat content is 4.5%-5.3% in buffalo’s milk it is […]


Introduction to Animal Husbandry

Biology > Animal Husbandry > Introduction Ever since the beginning of civilization, humans have depended on animals for many requirements, such as that of food (milk, meat, and egg), clothing (hide or wool), labour (pulling, carrying the load) and security, etc. Humans have consistently tried to improve the breeds of domesticated animals to make them […]



Science > Biology > Management of Crop Production > Irrigation All living beings need water to live. Water is important for proper growth and development of flowers, fruits, and seeds of plants. Plants contain nearly 90% water. Importance of Water for Plants Water is essential because germination of seeds does not take place under dry […]


Chemical Fertilizers

Science > Biology > Management of Crop Production > Chemical Fertilizers A fertilizer is a natural or synthetic, chemical-based substance containing one or more nutrients essential for enhancement of plant growth and soil fertility. Most of the chemical fertilizers used are NPK fertilizers which are rich in nitrogen (N), phosphorous (K), and potassium (K).  Fertilizers […]


Organic Fertilizers: Manures

Science > Biology > Management of Crop Production > Organic Fertilizers / Manures Plants require nutrients for their normal growth. Soil supplies mineral nutrients to the crop.  These nutrients must be in a form useable by the plants and in concentrations that allow optimum plant growth. Similarly, the soil nutrients must be properly balanced. Soil […]


Nutrient Management (Natural Methods)

Science > Biology > Management of Crop Production > Natural Methods of Nutrient Management A nutrient Management refers to the maintenance of soil fertility and of plant nutrient supply at an optimum level for sustaining the desired productivity through optimization of the benefits from all possible sources of organic, inorganic and biological components. Plants require […]


Plant Nutrients

Science > Biology > Management of Crop Production > Plant Nutrients Green plants are autotrophic. They require inorganic matter from outside and synthesize their own organic matter. Plant nutrients are mineral elements need by the plants for their growth, development, and maintenance. Soil is a major source of plant nutrients needed by plants for growth. […]


Step – 2: Selection and Testing of Superior Recombinants

Science > Biology > Improvement in Crop variety > Selection and Testing of Superior Recombinants The selection and testing of superior recombinants involve picking up the better ones from the entire crop plants. The collected germ-plasm is now evaluated to identify the plants showing the desirable combination of characters. Selfing the selected plant for several […]


Sowing of Seeds

Science > Biology > Management of Crop Production > Sowing of Seeds Sowing of seeds is the most important part of crop production. This is the second step in crop production.  Once the soil preparation is done, it is now time to sow the selected seeds. Sowing is the actual process of planting the seeds […]


Step-1: Collection and Conservation of Germplasm

Science > Biology > Improvement in Crop variety > Collection and Conservation of Germplasm From ancient time, humans have collected germplasm from the wild variety and domesticated it. Domestication: Domestication is the process of bringing wild species under human management. The domestication of plants is one of the first and most crucial steps in developing […]