Environmental Laws

Meaning of Sustainable Development

Indian Legal System > Civil Laws > Environmental Laws > Sustainable Development > Meaning of Sustainable Development

Man is both creature and moulder of his environment, which gives him physical sustenance and affords him the opportunity for intellectual, moral, social and spiritual growth. In the long and tortuous evolution of the human race on this planet, a stage has been reached when through the rapid acceleration of science and technology, man has acquired the power to transform his environment in countless ways and on an unprecedented scale. Both aspects of man’s environment, the natural and man-made, are essential to his wellbeing and to the enjoyment of basic human rights-even the right to life itself.   – Stockholm Declaration, 1972.

The increasing population and thoughtless acts of human had an adverse effect on the earth’s ecological system. As a global citizen, we have to recognize that our actions have consequences for the entire world. Economic development cannot be viewed in isolation from social and ecological development. This is only possible if there is cooperation amongst the nations of the world ‘Sustainable Development’ is concerned with the rate of consumption and use of natural resources. The focus is on ensuring that we do not consume the resources at a rate that makes it difficult for us to substitute or replace them. It is a responsible development

In 1987, the United Nations released the Brundtland Report, defined Sustainable Development as: “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. This definition sometimes also referred as Intergeneration Equity Principle. Thus Sustainable Development refers to development which is in harmony with environmental considerations.

According to the same Report, the above definition contains within it two key concepts: the concept of ‘needs’, in particular, the essential needs of the world’s poor; and the idea of limitations imposed by the state on technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs

This means we have to meet the needs of all sections of society particularly the underprivileged. While meeting the needs we have to make sure that what we take from nature does not increase the degradation of the earth’s natural resources and threatens biodiversity. There is a need for a strategic approach to maintaining a balance between social, economic and environmental challenges.

Sustainability recognizes the fact that an economy exists within the society which in turn exists within the environment of the earth’s ecosystem. The view emphasizes the fact that humans are a part of nature.

Causes of Unsustainability:

  • Increasing human population.
  • Over-exploitation of resources to meet human needs like fuel, fodder, and shelter.
  • Activities like fishing, agriculture, overuse of fresh water, deforestation, and industrialization.
  • Land clearing leads to problems like soil degradation, pollution, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, desertification, climate change; and
  • Social degradation due to factors like increasing unemployment, health crisis, armed conflict, urbanization, poverty, income inequity.

Components of Sustainable Development:

For ‘Sustainable Development’ the government has to ensure that there are institutional mechanisms in place to achieve sustainable development in all three areas. The Sustainable Development can be achieved by a sustained, organized and coordinated efforts at all levels to bring about socio-economic development and environmental sustainability. These include the various ministries and departments at the central as well as state level.

Sustainable Development 01

Economic Sustainability:

Economic sustainability involves creating economic value out of whatever project or decision which are undertaken. Economic sustainability means that decisions are made in the most equitable and fiscally sound way possible while considering the other aspects of sustainability. In economic sustainability, all the decisions must be taken with the long term benefits in mind rather than just the short term benefits.

The Government can improve economic sustainability by prohibiting no-nonsense land use and by planning, providing subsidies or tax breaks for green development, reducing unnecessary spending and cutting red tape. Strong financial support for universities, education programs, and research & development is an important part of economic sustainability. When good business practices are combined with the social and environmental aspects of sustainability, a positive result for the greater good of humanity can be obtained.

The urban and rural development with industrial development are indicators of economic development. But when planning for development other components of Sustainable Development must be kept in mind.

Social Sustainability:

Social sustainability is based on the concept that a decision or project promotes the betterment of society. The idea behind the social sustainability is that future generations should have the same or greater quality of life benefits as the current generation have.

Social sustainability encompasses human rights, environmental law, and public involvement & participation.

The Water (Prevention and Control) Act, 1974 established the Central and State Boards to check water pollution and enforcing procedures to set minimum water quality standards for both surface and drinking water. It prevents illegal discharge of pollutants, trade effluents in adjacent rivers, lakes, and streams. Thus the health of members of society and animals depending on the water are protected. If we fail to put emphasis on social sustainability then it can result in the slow collapse of the spheres of sustainability (and society as well).

Environmental Sustainability:

Sustainable Environment is an ecosystem which would maintain its populations, biodiversity, and overall functionality over an extended period of time. Environmental Sustainability promotes equilibrium within natural systems and seeks to encourage positive growth.

To maintain Environmental Sustainability unnecessary disturbances to the environment should be avoided whenever possible. If there is no alternative but to disturb the ecosystem then it should be mitigated to the maximum practicable extent.

It also involves proper management of our natural resources. For every development decision, importance must always be given to the environmental impacts of the outcome of the proposed development.

Pillars of Sustainable Development:

McGoldrick in his book, Sustainable Development, and Human Rights: An Integrated Conception has depicted the sustainable development as a three-pillar structure of a temple. According to him, the Central Pillar representing International Environmental Laws is giving maximum support to the structure.


Measures in Sustainable Development:

  • Preservation of biological diversity in terrestrial, freshwater and marine systems;
  • Sustainable use of resources and minimizing the depletion of resources;
  • Caring for the environment;
  • Improving the quality of life including social and economic concerns;
  • Conservation of natural capital both for renewable and non- renewable resources;
  • Conservation of natural and cultural diversity;
  • Limits on natural resource utilization and assimilation of wastes;
  • The efficiency of resource utilization by all societies;
  • Social equity through poverty reduction and gender equity;
  • Reduction of emission of greenhouse gases;
  • Reduction in the use of ozone-depleting substances;
  • Reduction in air pollution;
  • Reduction in use of chemical fertilizers;
  • Stopping desertification; and
  • Stopping deforestation

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Indian Legal System > Civil Laws > Environmental Laws > Sustainable Development > Meaning of Sustainable Development

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