Public International Law

Schools of International Law

Depending upon the views of different jurists, we can say that there are three important theories which form the basis of International Law. These theories of International law are also called schools of International law. Naturalist Theory: In the 17th and 18th centuries and earlier times, under the influence of theology and the “law of […]

Public International Law

Nature of International Law

There is a wide divide among the jurists regarding the nature of International law. There is one view that International law is not a true law. The jurists of this view think that International law is a code of rules of conduct of moral force only. Other Jurists think International law is a true law, […]

Public International Law

Introduction to Public International Law

International Law is a body of principles & rules commonly observed by States in their mutual relationship with each other. It includes the law relating to States & International organizations and also International Organisations inter se. The term “International Law” was coined by British Jurist Bentham. Before this nomenclature, the International Law was known as […]


Signs of Trigonometric Ratios

In this article, we shall study to find signs of trigonometric ratios (Functions) in different quadrants formed due to co-ordinate axes. Signs of Trigonometric Ratios in Different Quadrants: θ lies in Quadrant → I II III IV Trigonometric Functions↓ sin θ + ve + ve – ve – ve cos θ + ve – ve […]


Trigonometric Ratios of Standard Angles in Third and Fourth Quadrants

In this article, we shall find values of trigonometric ratios of standard angles in the third and the fourth quadrants using a standard unit circle. Trigonometric Ratios of 210o or (7π/6)c: Let us consider a standard unit circle Let m∠ AOP = θ = 210o = (7π/6)c m∠ POM = 30o Ray OA is the initial […]


Trigonometric Ratios of Standard Angles in First and Second Quadrants

In this article, we shall find values of trigonometric ratios of standard angles in the first and the second quadrants using a standard unit circle. A circle with the centre at the origin and radius 1 is a standard unit circle. Let P(x, y) be any point on the unit circle with m∠ XOP = […]


Area of Sector

Science > Mathematics > Trigonometry > Angle Measurement > Area of Sector In this article, we shall study to solve problems based on the area of the sector. Example – 01: Find the area of a sector of the circle which subtends an angle of 120° at the centre, if the radius of the circle […]


Length of an Arc

Science > Mathematics > Trigonometry > Angle Measurement > Length of an Arc In this article, we shall solve problems based on the length of an arc (arc length). Example – 01: Find the length of the arc of a circle of diameter 10 cm, if the arc is subtending an angle of 36° at […]


Angle Measurement

Science > Mathematics > Trigonometry > Angle Measurement > Angle Measurement In this article, we shall study the problems based on the interior angles of a polygon, and the angle between the hour hand and a minute hand of a clock. Example – 01: If xc = 405° and y° = – (π/12)c. Find x […]

Civil Procedure Code

Principles of Ordering Temporary Injunction

An injunction is an order of the court gives a direction to a party to the litigation to do or to refrain from doing an act. An injunction looks to the future. The order may restrain the defendant by its owners, directors, employees, or solicitors from doing the prohibited act. Injunctions are granted at the […]