Indian Evidence Act

Confession under Evidence Act Brief Idea

Section 24 to 30 of Indian Evidence Act deal with relevancy of `Confession’ in criminal proceeding. The term “Confession” has not been defined in Indian Evidence Act. In simple words `confession’ means admission or acknowledgement of guilt by person accused of crime. Sir Stephen in his Digest of the Law of Evidence has defined that […]

Indian Evidence Act

Admission under Evidence Act Brief Idea

According to Section 17 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 an admission is a statement, oral or documentary or contained in electronic form, which suggests any inference as to any fact in issue or relevant fact, and which is made by any of the persons, and under the circumstances, hereinafter mentioned.  Section 17 IEA defines […]

Law and Social Changes

Abolition of Sati System

The term sati means the Hindu practice of widow burning or the burning of the living widow with the corpse of her husband as a token of her love and devotion to her husband. In Sanskrit, the word sati is derived as a feminine noun from sat, which means goodness, virtue, truth. The word sati thus means a good and virtuous woman, […]

Law and Social Changes

Law and Social Changes

‘Law’ signifies a rule applied indiscriminately to all actions. The term “Law’ denotes different kinds of rules and Principles. ‘Law’ denotes the whole process by which organized society, through government bodies and personnel (Law-makers, Courts, Tribunals, Law Enforcement Agencies and Executive, Penal and corrective Institutions etc.) attempt to apply rules and regulations to establish and […]

Indian Evidence Act

Section 11: When facts not otherwise relevant become relevant

Object of Section 11 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 is to admit those facts which will help in sorting fact in issue even though they are irrelevant and this section enlarges the scope of admission of relevant facts. But limitation is put by the provisions of section 5 to section 55 i.e., if that […]

Indian Evidence Act

Section 10 IEA: Law of Conspiracy

Section 10 deals with the admissibility of evidence in a conspiracy case and is based on the theory of implied agency i.e. every conspirator is an agent of this association in carrying out the objects of the conspiracy. The special feature of the section is that anything said or done or written by any member […]

Company Law


Indian Legal System > Civil Laws > Company Law > Debentures Debenture is an instrument issued by company acknowledging its debts to the holder under its seal. Debentures carry interest at certain percent. According to Section 2(3) of the Companies Act 2013 ‘debenture” includes debenture stock, bonds or any other instrument of a company evidencing […]

Industrial Disputes Act

Awards and Settlement

The Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 which extends to the whole of India came into operation on the first day of April 1947. As per Preamble of the said Act, it is enacted to make a provision for the investigation and settlement of the dispute and certain other purposes such as recovery of money from the […]

Company Law

Meetings Under Companies Act

Indian Legal System > Civil Laws > Company Law > Position of Director The word “meeting” is not defined anywhere in the Companies Act. Ordinarily, a meeting may be defined as gathering, assembling or coming together of two or more persons (by previous notice or by mutual arrangement) for discussion and transaction of some lawful […]

Company Law

Position of Director

Indian Legal System > Civil Laws > Company Law > Position of Director a) Explain the legal position of a director. The supreme executive authority controlling the management and affairs of a company vests in the team of directors of the company, collectively known as its Board of Directors. At the core of corporate governance, […]