Science > Physics > Magnetism > Torque Acting on Bar Magnet in Uniform Magnetic Field In this article, we shall study the force acting on poles and torque action on bar magnet suspended in a uniform magnetic field. Force Between Two Magnetic Poles (Inverse Square law): If two poles of strengths m1 and m2 separated […]
Tag: Bar magnet
Magnetic Dipole Moment of a Magnet
Science > Physics > Magnetism > Magnetic Dipole Moment of a Magnet In this article, we shall study the terminology of a bar magnet and the concept of the magnetic dipole moment of a magnet. Bar Magnet: A bar magnet is a rectangular parallelepiped body which exhibits magnetic properties. When a bar magnet is suspended […]

Science > Physics > Magnetism > Magnets About 600 to 800 BC the people living in Magnesia in Asia Minor found a stone (an ore of iron Magnetite Fe2O3) which was capable of attracting iron pieces towards it. They called this stone as magnetite. During the course of time, the name changed to a magnet. […]