Science > Physics > Communication > Communication Channel: Line Line Communication: Space communication is unguided communication. In this communication channel, there is no physical contact between the transmitting and the receiving antenna. The transmitted signal spreads in all directions. This results in the attenuation of the signal. To avoid the attenuation we use line communication. […]
Communication Channel: Wires, Cables, Optical Fibres
- Post author By Hemant More
- Post date November 16, 2019
- No Comments on Communication Channel: Wires, Cables, Optical Fibres

- Tags Amplifier, Antenna, Attenuation, Broadcast communication, Cables, Coaxial cable, Communication, Communication channels, Communication systems, Demodulator, Distortion, Interference, Line communication, Modulation, Modulator, Noise, Optical communication, Optical fibre, Optical signal detector, Optical source, Parallel wire, Point to point communication, Receiver, Transmitter, Twisted wires, Wires