Science > Biology > Branches of Biology > Zoology > Embryology Embryology is a branch of biology that focuses on the study of embryos and their development from fertilization to the point of birth or hatching. It encompasses the processes by which a single fertilized egg (zygote) develops into a multicellular organism with specialized tissues […]

- Tags Applied Embryology, Aristotle, Biology, Biomedical Research, Birth Defects, Caspar Friedrich Wolff, Cell Differentiation, Cell Division, Cell Theory, Cellular Differentiation, Comparative Embryology, Developmental Biology, Drug development, Embryology, Embryonic Patterning, Evolutionary Biology, Genetic Disorders, Germ Layers, Hans Spemann, Karl Ernst von Baer, Marcello Malpighi, Morphogenesis, Organogenesis, Regenerative medicine, Reproductive Medicine, Robert Remak, Stem Cell Research, Stem Cell Therapy, Tissue Engineering, Toxicology, Wilhelm Roux, William Harvey, Zoology