General Biology

Biology and Health

Science > Biology > Introduction to Biology > Biology and Health List of Sub-Topics: Biology and health are intricately linked disciplines that delve into the complexities of life and well-being. Biology, the study of living organisms, provides the foundation for understanding the physiological, genetic, and environmental factors that influence human health. This essay aims to […]



Science > Biology > Gene its Nature, Expression and Regulation > Nucleotides In this article, we shall study structural units of nucleic acid called nucleotides. In 1869, Friedrich Miescher separated cellular substance from the nuclei of pus cell and called it ‘Nuclein’. Due to acidic nature, the substance is further called as nucleic acid. There are […]


Genetic Material

Science > Biology > Gene its Nature, Expression and Regulation > Genetic Material DNA as Genetic Material Griffith Experiment: Background: Meischer isolated nuclein from nuclei of WBCs in 1869. Walter Sutton, Thomas Hunt Morgan established that the hereditary material lies in the nucleus in chromosomes. Chromosomes are formed of proteins and nucleic acid, DNA. For […]


Types of Genes

Science > Biology > Gene its Nature, Expression and Regulation > Types of Genes In the last article, we have studied the meaning of the term gene. In this article, we shall study types of genes. Based on the function and activity, the genes are classified as follows. Housekeeping Genes or Constitutive Genes: Housekeeping genes […]


Gene: The Concept, Characteristics, and Functions

Science > Biology > Gene its Nature, Expression and Regulation > Gene: The Concept, Characteristics, and Functions In this article, we shall the essential characters of genetic material, the meaning of the term gene, its characteristics, and its functions. Essential Features of Genetic Material: It should have the ability to store hereditary information in coded […]