Physical Chemistry

Gay-Lussac’s Law of Combining Volumes

Science > Chemistry > Laws of Chemical Combinations > Gay-Lussac’s Law of Combining Volumes In the previous article, we have studied the law of reciprocal proportions. In this article, we shall study Gay-Lussac’s Law of Combining Volumes. A French chemist Joseph L. Gay – Lussac in 1809, put forward this law. Statement : Whenever gases take […]

Physical Chemistry

Law of Reciprocal Proportions

Science > Chemistry > Laws of Chemical Combinations > Law of Reciprocal Proportions In the previous article, we have studied the law of multiple proportions. In this article, we shall study the law of reciprocal proportions. The law of reciprocal proportions was given by German chemist Ritcher in 1792. Statement: The weights of two or […]

Physical Chemistry

Empirical and Molecular Formulae of Compounds

Science > Chemistry > Empirical and Molecular Formulae of Compounds In this article we shall study the concept of empirical formula and molecular formula of Compound. Empirical Formula: The empirical formula of a substance represents the simplest relative whole number ratio of the atoms of each element contained in the molecule of the substance. Example: […]

Physical Chemistry

Law of Multiple Proportions

Science > Chemistry > Laws of Chemical Combinations > Law of Multiple Proportions In the previous article, we have studied the law of definite proportions. In this article, we shall study the law of multiple proportions. The law of multiple proportions was given by British scientist John Dalton in 1803. Statement: When two elements combine […]

Physical Chemistry

Law of Definite Proportions

Science > Chemistry > Laws of Chemical Combinations > Law of Definite Proportions In the last article, we have studied the law of conservation of mass. In this article, we shall study the law of definite proportions. The law of definite proportions was given by French chemist Joseph Proust in 1799. The law of definite […]

Physical Chemistry

Law of Conservation of Mass

Science > Chemistry > Laws of Chemical Combinations > Law of Conservation of Mass In last article, we have studied Dalton’s atomic theory. In this article, we shall study the law of conservation of mass. The law of conservation of mass was given by Russian scientist Lomonosov in 1765 and French Scientist Antoine Lavoisier in […]

Physical Chemistry

Dalton’s Atomic Theory

Science > Chemistry > Laws of Chemical Combinations > Dalton’s Atomic Theory In this article, we shall study the meaning of physical changes and chemical changes, and the very important concept of chemistry known as dalton’s atomic theory which became a stepping stone in the development of chemistry. Physical Changes and Chemical Changes: Physical Changes: […]

Physical Chemistry

Methods of Separation of Mixtures

Science > Chemistry > Introduction to Chemistry > Methods of Separation of Mixtures In the last article, we have studied the chemical classification of substances. Most of the available substances in nature are in mixture form. The useful component of the mixture can be obtained by separating individual components of the mixture by a suitable […]

Physical Chemistry

Chemical Classification of Substances

Science > Chemistry > Introduction to Chemistry > Chemical Classification of Substances In the last article, we have studied the significance of chemistry and its branches. In this article, we shall study the chemical classification of substances. Matter and its Different States: The matter is any substances that have mass and that occupies space. There […]

Physical Chemistry

Significance of the Study of Chemistry

Science > Chemistry > Introduction to Chemistry > Significance of the Study of Chemistry In this article, we shall study the meaning of chemistry and its different branches. What is Chemistry? Science word is derived from the Latin word ‘Scientia’ which means ‘to know’. Science has many disciplines, Chemistry is one of them. It is the […]