Legal Terms

Types of Laws

Natural or Moral Laws: Natural laws are the belief that certain laws of morality are inherent by human nature, reason, or religious belief, and that they are ethically binding on humanity. Actually, it is a philosophy that is based on the idea that “right” and “wrong” are universal concepts, as mankind finds certain things to […]

Legal Terms

Austin’s Imperative Theory of Law

What is Law? Rules of conduct approved and enforced by the government of and over a certain territory is called a law. (eg. the ‘laws’ of India). Blackstone’s Definition: According to Sir William Blackstone (an English jurist and judge of the eighteenth century) ‘Law, in general consists of the rules recognized and acted upon in the […]

Legal Terms

Writs and Their Types

Writ: Anything that is issued under authority is a writ. Orders, warrants, directions etc. issued under authority are examples of writs. Any person whose fundamental rights are violated can move the High Court (under article 226 of Indian constitution) or the Supreme Court (under article 32) and the court can issue direction or orders or […]

Legal Terms


The meaning of “bail” is to set an accused person free after depositing some money with the court before he is tried, often on condition that a sum of money would be forfeited if he does not attend the trial. a warrant for the defendant’s arrest is issued. The judge sets the amount, and the money […]

Legal Terms


An assault is defined as intentional conduct that is meant to place another person in reasonable apprehension or fear of harmful contact. The contact must appear to be imminent, meaning that the offender must appear to have the present ability to cause the contact, even if he or she is not actually capable of inflicting […]

Organizational Development

Values and Assumptions of OD

A set of values, assumptions and beliefs constitutes an integral part of organization development, shaping the goals and methods of the field and distinguishing Organisational Development from other improvement strategies. Belief: A belief is a proposition about how the world works that the individual accepts as true; it is a cognitive fact (connected with thinking or conscious mental […]

Organizational Development

History Of Organizational Development

Organisational Development has evolved over the past 60 years from the applications of behavioural science knowledge and techniques to solving organisational problems. It started in the 1940s at MIT and is developed by an applied social scientist such as Kurt Lewin. It is influenced by Carl Rogers & Abraham Maslow. During the period around World War II, Lewin […]

Organizational Development

Organizational Development

Organization: An organization is a set up which brings together individuals from different backgrounds, of varied interests and specializations on a common platform for them to work as a single unit and achieve certain predefined goals. Katz, Kahn and Hanna see an organization as a system. An organization is an open system (in science open […]


Location of India

India is a country located in the continent of Asia. Extent: The mainland of India extends from Kashmir in the north to Kanyakumari in the south and Arunachal Pradesh in the east to Gujarat in the west. India’s territorial limit further extends towards the sea up to 12 nautical miles (about 21.9 km) from the […]


The French Revolution

The Storming of Bastille: The Storming of the Bastille took place in Paris, France on July 14, 1789. This violent attack on the government by the people of France signaled the start of the French Revolution. The Bastille was a fortress built in the late 1300s to protect Paris during the Hundred Years War. At […]