Science > Physics > Communication > Optical Fibre: Principle and Working The optical fibre is a device which works on the principle of total internal reflection by which light signals can be transmitted from one place to another with a negligible loss of energy. Characteristics of Optical Fibre: It has a large bandwidth. The optical […]
Optical Fibre: Principle and Working
- Post author By Hemant More
- Post date November 16, 2019
- 3 Comments on Optical Fibre: Principle and Working

- Tags Acceptance angle, Acceptance cone, Amplifier, Antenna, Attenuation, Broadcast communication, Communication, Communication channels, Communication systems, Critical angle, Demodulator, Distortion, Fibre attenuation, Graded index fibre, Interference, Modulation, Modulator, Noise, Numerical aperture, Optical fibre, Optical signal detector, Optical source, Point to point communication, Receiver, Step index fibre, Total internal reflection, Transmitter