Physical Chemistry

Applications of Colloids

Science > Chemistry > Colloids > Applications of Colloids Natural Applications of Colloids: Blue Colour of Sky: When the light is incident on particles whose size is smaller than the wavelength of light, it is scattered. The blue colour of the sky is due to the scattering of light by small particles (dust particles along […]

Physical Chemistry


Science > Chemistry > Colloids > Emulsions A colloidal system in which both the dispersed phase as well as dispersion medium are immiscible or partially miscible liquids is called an emulsion. e.g. Milk, cod liver oil, oil paints, vanishing cream, cold creams, etc. are emulsions. Generally, one of the two liquids is water and the […]

Physical Chemistry

Associated Colloids (Micelles)

Science > Chemistry > Colloids > Associated Colloids (Micelles) In thisarticle, we shall study bout associated colloids :micelles). Multimolecular Colloids: Multimolecular colloids are those systems in which the dispersed phase particles are aggregates of many atoms or molecules. The particles in this colloidal solutions are held together by van der Wall’s forces. e.g. gold sol particles […]

Physical Chemistry

Types of Colloidal Solutions

Science > Chemistry > Colloids >Types of Colloidal Solutions In this article, we shall study types of colloidal solutions (systems) on the basis of states of the dispersed phase and dispersion medium, the interaction between the dispersed phase and dispersion medium, and on the number of atoms and molecules in a colloidal particle. Types of […]