Modern Chemistry

Nuclear Reactions

In this article, we shall study different types of nuclear reactions. Nuclear Reactions: A reaction in which there is a change in the composition of the nucleus is called a nuclear reaction. Characteristics of Nuclear Reactions: There is a change in the composition of the nucleus. In nuclear reaction rearrangement of nucleons ( constituents of […]

Modern Chemistry

Applications of Nuclear Chemistry

Isotopes are different atoms of the same elements having the same atomic number but a different mass number. Isotopes of radioactive elements are found to be very useful in different fields like carbon dating, agriculture, medicines, the production of synthetic elements, etc. Important uses of radioisotopes are as follows. Estimation of Age of Rock and […]

Modern Chemistry

Nuclear Stability

The nucleus of an atom is extremely small.  The radius of the nucleus is about 10-15  m. In such a small place protons and neutrons are held together. Protons are positively charged so they should get repelled however the majority of the nuclei are stable hence there must be certain factors which affect nuclear stability. Some […]

Modern Chemistry

Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry

Researches by J.J. Thomson, Dalton, Rutherford,  and Mosley showed that an atom is the smallest but not the ultimate particle of the matter. An atom consists of subatomic particles, protons, neutrons, and electrons called fundamental particles. Besides these, particles like mesons, positrons,  neutrinos are also associated with the atomic structure. In this article, we shall […]