
Numerical Problems on Newton’s Law of Gravitation

Science > Physics > Gravitation > Numerical Problems on Newton’s Law of Gravitation In this article, we shall learn numerical problems to calculate the gravitational force of attraction between two bodies. Example – 01: Calculate the gravitational force of attraction between two metal spheres each of mass 90 kg, if the distance between their centres […]


Newton’s Law of Gravitation

Science > Physics > Gravitation >Newton’s Law of Gravitation In this article, we shall study Newton’s law of gravitation, its universality, and universal gravitation constant. Newton’s Law of Gravitation: Statement: Every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle of matter with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their […]


Total Internal Reflection of Light

Science > Physics > Refraction of Light > Total Internal Reflection of Light In this article, we shall study the phenomenon of total internal reflection and its applications. Total Internal Reflection of Light and its Explanation: Let us consider a point source O in a denser medium (Water). Let XY be the boundary separating the […]


Introduction to Refraction of Light

Science > Physics > Refraction of Light > Introduction to Refraction of Light Refraction of Light: When light ray travelling in one optically active medium enters another optically active medium, then the light ray deviates from its path. This phenomenon is known as the refraction of light. Laws  of Refraction: The ratio of the sine of […]

Physical Chemistry

Problems on Internal Energy Change and Enthalpy Change

Science > Chemistry > Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics > Change in Internal Energy and Enthalpy In this article, we shall study to calculate the change in internal energy and change in enthalpy in a chemical reaction. Example – 01: For a particular reaction, the system absorbs 6 kJ of heat and does 1.5 kJ of […]

Physical Chemistry

Classification of Crystalline Solids

Science > Chemistry > Solid State > Classification of Crystalline Solids In this article, we have to study classification of crystalline solids and characteristics of each type. Broadly crystalline solids are classified into 4 types. a) molecular solids, b) ionic solids, c) metallic solids, and d) covalent solids Molecular Solids: Molecular solids are crystalline solids […]

Physical Chemistry

Introduction to Solid State

Science > Chemistry > Solid State > Introduction to Solid State There are three states of matter, solid, liquid and gaseous. Liquids and gases are called fluids because of their ability to flow. The fluidity in both of these states is due to the fact that the molecules are free to move about. The free mobility […]

Physical Chemistry

Gibb’s Energy and Spontaneity

Science > Chemistry > Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics > Gibb’s Energy and Spontaneity The Concept of Gibb’s Free Energy (G): By the second law of thermodynamics, STotal = ΔSSystm + ΔSSurroundings Thus to decide spontaneity of the process we have to determine the change in entropy of the system and the change in entropy of the surroundings. […]

Physical Chemistry

Concept of Entropy of a System

Science > Chemistry > Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics > Concept of Entropy of a System In this article, we shall study the concept of entropy and its relation with the spontaneity. Spontaneous Process: The spontaneous process is defined as a process that takes place on its own without external influence. A spontaneous process does not […]

Physical Chemistry

Hess’s Law and its Applications

Science > Chemistry > Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics > Hess’s Law and its Applications In this article, we shall study Hess’s law and its applications in thermochemistry. Statement : It states that the change in enthalpy accompanying a chemical reaction is independent of the pathway between initial and final states of the chemical reaction. Explanation: […]