
Discovery of Proton and Neutron

Science > Physics > Nuclear Physics > Discovery of Proton and Neutron Before the discovery of the atomic nucleus, there were ideas that all atoms are composed of hydrogen atoms (called by William Prout “protyles”). This hypothesis is known as Prout’s hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, the hydrogen atom was the only truly fundamental particles, […]


Nuclear Structure

Science > Physics > Nuclear Physics > Nuclear Structure In this article, we shall discuss the composition of nucleus and concept of nuclear radius, nuclear vlume, and nuclear density. Geiger Marsden Experiment: A narrow beam of alpha particles from the radioactive source was incident on a thin gold foil. The scattering of alpha particles takes […]


Concept of Radioactive Decay

Science > Physics > Nuclear Physics > Concept of Radioactive Decay Transformation of radioactive element into another element (radioactive or non-radioactive) is known as radioactive decay or disintegration. In radioactive decay, the nucleus of a radioactive element called parent undergoes a spontaneous change accompanied by the emission of radiation and the formation of the nucleus […]

Organic Chemistry

Nomenclature of Alkyl Halides

Science > Chemistry > Halogen Derivatives of Alkanes > Nomenclature of Alkyl Halides In this article, we shall study isomerism in alkyl halides and their nomenclature. Isomerism in Haloalkanes:  Isomers are the organic compounds, which have the same molecular formula but different structural formula and properties. The phenomenon is called isomerism. Haloalkanes can exhibit the following […]

Organic Chemistry

Introduction to Halogen Derivatives of Alkanes

Science > Chemistry > Organic Chemistry > Halogen Derivatives of Alkanes > Introduction In this article, we shall study halogen derivatives of alkanes or haloalkanes. Organic Compounds Containing Halogens:  If one or more hydrogen atom is replaced in hydrocarbon by an equivalent number of halogen, the compounds obtained are called halogen derivatives of hydrocarbons. Halogen […]

Physical Chemistry

Oxidation Number or Oxidation State

Science > Chemistry > Redox Reactions > Oxidation Number or Oxidation State Oxidation Number OR Oxidation State: The donation of electrons is called the oxidation and the gain of electrons is called the reduction. Oxidation and reduction can further be explained by a knowledge of “Oxidation number”. The oxidation state of an atom in its […]

Physical Chemistry

Introduction to Redox Reactions

Science > Chemistry > Redox Reactions > Introduction to Redox Reactions In this article we shall study about redox reactions, in which both the oxidation and reduction reactions take place simultaneously. Oxidation: Old Concept: It is a process in which addition of oxygen takes place. 2Mg + O2  →      2MgO It is a […]

Physical Chemistry

Applications of Colloids

Science > Chemistry > Colloids > Applications of Colloids Natural Applications of Colloids: Blue Colour of Sky: When the light is incident on particles whose size is smaller than the wavelength of light, it is scattered. The blue colour of the sky is due to the scattering of light by small particles (dust particles along […]

Physical Chemistry


Science > Chemistry > Colloids > Emulsions A colloidal system in which both the dispersed phase as well as dispersion medium are immiscible or partially miscible liquids is called an emulsion. e.g. Milk, cod liver oil, oil paints, vanishing cream, cold creams, etc. are emulsions. Generally, one of the two liquids is water and the […]

Physical Chemistry


Science > Chemistry > Colloids > Gels A gel is a colloidal system in which the dispersed phase is liquid and the dispersion medium is solid. e.g. when warm sol of gelatin is cooled, it sets to a semi-solid mass which is a gel. Jellies, jams, curd, butter, shoe polish, etc. are gels. The interior […]