
Rutherford’s Model of an Atom

Science > Physics > Atoms, Molecule, and Nuclei > Rutherford’s Model of an Atom In this article, we shall study Dalton’s atomic theory, Rutherford’s model of an atom, its merits, and demerits. Dalton’s Atomic Theory: This theory was proposed by English chemist John Dalton in 1808. The main propositions of the theory are as follows: […]

Physical Chemistry

Solubility Product

Science > Chemistry > Physical Chemistry > Ionic Equilibria > Solubility Product In this article, we shall study the concept of solubility, solubility product, and its applications. Some ionic solids are highly soluble in water while others are almost insoluble in it. The solubility of ionic solid depends on lattice enthalpy of the salt and […]

Physical Chemistry

Common Ion Effect

Science > Chemistry > Physical Chemistry > Ionic Equilibria > Common Ion Effect In this article, we shall study the common ion effect and its applications. The phenomenon in which the degree of dissociation of any weak electrolyte is suppressed by adding a small amount of strong electrolyte containing a common ion is called a […]

Physical Chemistry

Buffer Solutions

Science > Chemistry > Physical Chemistry > Ionic Equilibria >Buffer Solutions In this article, we shall study the concept of buffer solution, its characteristics, its types, and preparations. Buffer Solution: A solution, which resists the change in its pH value, even on the addition of a small amount of strong acid or base is called […]

Physical Chemistry

Ionic Product of water

Science > Chemistry > Physical Chemistry > Ionic Equilibria > Ionic Product of water In this article, we shall study concepts of the ionic product of water, pH and pOH of a solution and their importance. Ion Equilibrium in Water: Water has electrical conductivity, hence it must undergo dissociation. “Dissociation of pure water to a […]

Physical Chemistry

Ostwald’s Dilution Law

Science > Chemistry > Physical Chemistry > Ionic Equilibria > Ostwald’s Dilution Law In this article, we shall study the Ostwald’s dilution law and its application to weak electrolytes, like weak acids and weak bases. Ostwald’s Dilution Law: A mathematical expression of the law of mass actions that gives the relationship between equilibrium constant/dissociation constant, […]

Physical Chemistry

Ionic Theory

Science > Chemistry > Physical Chemistry > Ionic Equilibria > Ionic Theory In this article, we shall study Arrhenius ionic theory, the concept of ionization and dissociation, Applying law of mass action to reactions involving ions. Electrolytes on the Basis of Ionic Theory:  According to Arrhenius ionic theory, a substance (acid) base or salt, which […]

Physical Chemistry

Lewis Concept of Acids and Bases

Science > Chemistry > Physical Chemistry > Ionic Equilibria > Lewis Concept of Acids and Bases In the previous article, we have studies the Arrhenius theory, Bronsted Lowry concept of acids and bases. In this article, we shall study the Lewis concept of acids and bases, its merits and demerits. Lewis Concept of Acids and […]

Physical Chemistry

Bronsted – Lowry Concept of Acid and Base

Science > Chemistry > Physical Chemistry > Ionic Equilibria > Bronsted- Lowry Concept of Acid and Base In the previous article, we have studied the Arrhenius theory of acids and bases. In this article, we shall study the Bronsted Lowry Concept of acids and bases. In 1923, scientists Bronsted and Lowry proposed more general definitions […]

Physical Chemistry

Arrhenius Theory of Acids and Bases

Science > Chemistry > Physical Chemistry > Ionic Equilibria > Arrhenius Theory In this article, we shall study the Arrhenius theory of acids and bases, its advantages and limitations. Classical or Functional Definitions of Acid and Base: Acid: An acid is defined as a substance whose water solution has a sour taste, turns blue litmus to […]