Modern Chemistry

Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry

Researches by J.J. Thomson, Dalton, Rutherford,  and Mosley showed that an atom is the smallest but not the ultimate particle of the matter. An atom consists of subatomic particles, protons, neutrons, and electrons called fundamental particles. Besides these, particles like mesons, positrons,  neutrinos are also associated with the atomic structure. In this article, we shall […]

Organic Chemistry

Chemistry of Carbon Compounds

Science > Chemistry > Introduction to Organic Chemistry > Chemistry of Carbon Compounds Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry, which studies carbon compounds. Organic substances are substances derived from organisms like plants and animals. In the olden days it was assumed that these substances cannot be prepared in laboratories. Berzelius assumed that some vital […]

Inorganic Chemistry

Modern Periodic Table

In the last article, we have studied the initial classification of elements. In this article, we shall study the modern periodic table. Moseley’s Criteria: Henry Moseley, a physicist from England in the year 1913, observed that when certain metals were bombarded with high-speed electrons, X-rays are emitted. He studied the frequencies of the X-rays emitted and found that […]

Inorganic Chemistry

Initial Classification of Elements

In this article, we shall study the initial classification of elements and Mendeleev’s periodic table. Need for Classification of Elements: With the rapid advance and developments in science, the number of discovered elements increased. Due to a large number of elements, it is difficult to study and remember the behaviour and properties of each and every element. Hence attempts have […]

Inorganic Chemistry

Hydrogen Fluoride

The gaseous compound formed when dry fluorine gas reacts with dry Hydrogen, gas is called hydrogen fluoride. Hydrogen fluoride gas on condensation forms liquid hydrogen fluoride which is also referred to as anhydrous hydrogen fluoride or anhydrous hydrofluoric acid. When vapours of hydrogen fluoride are dissolved in water, the resulting aqueous solution is known as […]

Inorganic Chemistry


In this article, we shall study halogen member fluorine. Fluorine is positioned in Group 17 and the second period of the periodic table. It is highly reactive. Occurrence: Because of extreme reactivity fluorine does not occur in the free state.  It occurs as the fluorides (F–) of certain metals such as Calcium and Aluminium. Its […]

Organic Chemistry

Disaccharides and Polysaccharides

Science > Chemistry > Biomolecules > Disaccharides and Polysaccharides In the last article, we have studied monosaccharides. In this article, we shall study disaccharides and polysaccharides. Disaccharides: Di-saccharides on hydrolysis give two molecules of monosaccharide. They on hydrolysis with dilute acids or enzymes yield two molecules of either the same or different monosaccharides. e.g. Cane sugar (Sucrose) […]

Organic Chemistry

Glucose and Fructose

Science > Chemistry > Biomolecules > Glucose and Fructose In the last article, we have seen what are carbohydrates and how are they classified. Based on hydrolysis behaviour the carbohydrates are classified into three types. a) Mono-Saccharides b) Oligo-Saccharides and c) Poly-Saccharides. In this article, we shall study monosaccharides in detail particularly glucose and fructose. […]

Organic Chemistry


Science > Chemistry > Biomolecules > Introduction to Carbohydrates All those simple or complex organic and inorganic substances found in different living forms are collectively called as biomolecules. Biomolecules can be grouped into two types micro and macromolecules. The micro molecules have moderate to low molecular mass.  e.g. sugars, amino acids, and their derivatives, vitamins, […]


Signs of Trigonometric Ratios

In this article, we shall study to find signs of trigonometric ratios (Functions) in different quadrants formed due to co-ordinate axes. Signs of Trigonometric Ratios in Different Quadrants: θ lies in Quadrant → I II III IV Trigonometric Functions↓ sin θ + ve + ve – ve – ve cos θ + ve – ve […]